Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

Thank you!

Almost exactly one year ago I sent out my first newsletter. It started as a silly new year's resolution to motivate myself to start writing regularly and documenting progress for myself. I just added a Welcome Mat to my dusty personal website and left it there over the holidays as the only subscriber of the list. I actually didn't believe I would end up doing this, but somehow 2 people signed up before 1/1/2016 and made it feel like a real commitment.

I've written 113 emails in 2016. That's less than "once a day" as initially planned, but I only wanted to write you when I have something to say.

I'm very thankful that there are now 53 people who at least sometimes read my stuff ❤️. Thank you for every response, your help, and all the kind words that keep me motivated every day. I hope someday I can also help you out with something, please hit reply if you have anything in mind.

What are you focussing on in 2017? If I have learned one thing, it is that I really, really, really enjoy writing and the immediate impact it has after you hit the publish button. This is what I want to do more this year. For example, I've recently published an article on a Twitter bot that replies to fake news which Alex and I built a few weeks ago. Would love your thoughts on this!
Thanks for everything and see you soon,

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In this newsletter, I try to reflect on my learnings of building an open source startup. Join 135 subscribers who receive a weekly email from me: